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Environmental Science and Engineering Conference Proceeding
ISSN : 27986268     EISSN : 27986241     DOI : -
Environmental Science and Engineering Conference National Seminar Proceedings was created to be a medium that academics, practitioners and stakeholders can use to access various research results and literature published on this website. Proceedings of the National Environmental Science and Engineering Conference (ESEC) is a collection of papers or scientific articles that have been presented at the National Seminar on Environmental Science and Engineering Conference (ESEC) which is held regularly every year by the Environmental Engineering Study Program, UPN "Veteran" East Java. The scope is intentionally to recognises the complexity of issues and challenges in the Environmental Science and Engineering Areas. All scale of studies and analysis form environmental science to environmental engiinering, chemistry/chemical/biochemistry engineering, renewable energy, and industrial engineering to public health are welcomed.
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Pemetaan Tingkat Kebisingan pada Fabrikasi Bollard Proyek BMPP 60 MW di Bengkel Konstruksi Plat 2 Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti; Adika Pratama
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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High noise levels resulting from the fabrication process of the BMPP 60 MW bollard projectrequire control measures to reduce noise intensity and ensure that all workers are not exposed to work-related health issues due to noise exposure effects. The aim of this study is to measure the noise levels generated by activities in construction workshop plat 2 and conduct noise mapping. The research method employed is noise mapping using Surfer 16 software to create noise contours. Noise measurements were taken at 52 points within construction workshop plat 2 using a multifunction environment meter 5 in 1, and the allowed work time was calculated based on the NIOSH method. The research results indicate that at points 29, 30, 31, 32, 45, 46, 47, 48 located in the grinding and welding area, the noise level exceeds 85 dB. Therefore, if no control measures are implemented, based on the calculated ideal working times for each point in sequence, they are 6.1 hours, 5.7 hours, 5.4 hours, 5.5 hours, 6.6 hours, 6.8 hours, 6.2 hours, and 6.5 hours, respectively. The conclusion of this study is that out of the 8 points exceeding 85 dB according to the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) based on the Kemenaker Number 5 of 2018 so that control is needed in the form of installing noise safety signs and use of earplugs.
Analisis Dampak Lingkungan melalui Life Cycle Assessement (LCA) di Industri Keramik Mojokerto Novirina Hendrasarie; Rahmadini Luchmanandri
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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Ceramics are products made from clay orclay through several stages of production. Ceramic production apart from having a positive impact primarily in the economic field also has a negative impact on the environment. Life Cycle Assessement (LCA) is a method of measuring the impact on the environment in a production process. The purpose of this research is to determine the environmental impact resulting from the process of making ceramics at the Mojokerto Ceramics Factory. The research carried out analyzed the ceramic production process so that the scope of LCA used wasgate to gate with a production period of 1 day. The research results show that impactglobal warming the highest was caused by gas distribution (762700 kg CO2 eq) and on processglaze preparation amounting to (477.6 kg CO2 eq). In the impact categoryacidification, the highest impact was caused by gas distribution of (3892 kg SO2 eq) and on processfiring of (3.362 kg SO2 eq). Impact categoryhuman toxicity, the highest impact was caused by gas distribution (72620 kg 1.4 DB eq) and processfiring of (1357 kg 1.4 DB eq). Improvements that can be made are by reducing the use of gas by utilizing alternative energy or incineration technology.
Pemanfaatan Air Limbah Domestik Terolah Fasilitas Umum Pendidikan untuk Penyiraman Tanaman Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad; Sarah Aulia
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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This public educational facility was initiated by a foundation X. This foundation produces domestic wastewater from educational activities, toilets, prayer rooms, canteens, and so on. Domestic liquid waste generated will be used for watering plants in green open spaces around the foundation. The waste water discharge before being treated at WWTP is 17.18 m3 /day and the wastewater discharge after being processed is 17.1167 m3 /day. The entire treated wastewater discharge will be used to water the garden. Wastewater contains BOD, COD, TSS, Ammonia and Total Coliform which exceeds the quality standard, so it needs to be processed before it is used for watering plants. Yayasan X already has 5 WWTP units to manage wastewater. However, it is planned that there will be a building development, so an additional unit of WWTP will be carried out in the building development area so that an evaluation is carried out on the processing capability and the watering method used. The results of the processing will be used to water plants at Foundation X with an area of 1,339.20 m2 of Green Open Space. The process of watering is done two times a day in the morning and evening.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Pengelolaan Sampah di Bank Sampah RW 7 Gunung Anyar Tambak Menggunakan Pemodelan Sistem Dinamis Mohamad Mirwan; Mar'atus Sholikhah
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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Bank Sampah Sumber Dana is one of the waste banks in RW 7 Gunung Anyar Tambak and is a supporting institution for ProKlim in that RW. The aim of the research is: (1) Identifying factors that influence the sustainability of the waste bank; (2) Formulate the relationship between the factors that influence the creation of a dynamic system model; (3) Analyze the factors that influence the sustainability of the waste bank. This research is a qualitative research with combined data collection techniques (quantitative and qualitative data). In this research, a dynamic system is used to create models and predict the obstacles that will be faced by looking at the influencing factors. To perform simulations with dynamic systems, Stella software is used. The first step is to identify the management system of Bank Sampah Sumber Dana into several sub-systems. Then it was made into a CLD and SFD model. The analysis results were obtained from analyzing the variables in the model and it can be concluded that overall the management system is running quite well. This is supported by the efforts of the waste bank management so that the community has a good interest in managing waste from its source.
Pemodelan dan Optimalisasi Kinerja Jaringan Perpipaan Sistem Distribusi Air Bersih Menggunakan Epanet 2.2 (Studi Kasus: Desa Sumberejo, Kabupaten Madiun) Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro; Alvia Nuriati Ramadhani
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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The need for water must be directly proportional to the supply of clean water. The government through PERUMDA Drinking Water through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program in point six regarding clean water and adequate sanitation is trying to meet the target by 2030. In the distribution of clean water, the hydraulic system is an important aspect because flow and pressure influence the continuity of the hydraulic system. happen. This research was carried out using a quantitative analysis method with a case study of the distribution network development project carried out by PERUMDAM Tirta Dharma Purabaya in Sumberejo Village. Distribution network modeling was carried out using EPANET v.2.2 software to analyze discharge, flow velocity, pressure and pressure loss in the distribution network system on an ongoing basis for the next 10 years as well as evaluating and optimizing the water sources that will be used. Based on the EPANET v.2.2 simulation results in 2022, it shows that there are 24 pipes with problematic speeds, 21 junctions with problematic pressures, and 3 pipes with problematic headloss gradients. So recommendations for improving the distribution network in Sumberejo Village are made in accordance with the planning criteria of Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 27 of 2016 to optimize the performance of the distribution system for the next 10 years. The maximum head loss in the distribution network in 2022 will be 14.26 m/km and improvements are recommended so that by 2032 it will be 7.10 m/km.
Prediksi Produksi Gas Metana dan Dampak Lingkungan dari Kegiatan Landfilling di TPA Griyo Mulyo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo dengan menggunakan Kombinasi Permodelan LandGEM dan OpenLCA Praditya S. Ardisty Sitogasa; Ahmad Aufinal Muna
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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This journal discusses predictions of methane gas production and the environmental impact of waste management at the Griyo Mulyo Final Disposal Site (TPA). This research uses a combination of LandGEM and OpenLCA modeling approaches to estimate methane gas production from waste decomposition and the associated environmental impacts. The predicted results of methane gas production from the Griyo Mulyo landfill show variability in methane gas emissions which can occur due to factors such as the volume of incoming waste, and varying degradation conditions over time. Projection of methane gas production using the LandGEM model for the 2020-2030 period with an average temperature parameter of 30°C, the results show peak methane gas production in 2026, with a value of 6.03 Gg/year for Default CAA-Conventional and 2.92 Gg/ year for Inventory Default. Environmental impact analysis using OpenLCA on the Griyo Mulyo TPA landfill in 2023 shows a significant impact on climate change, human toxicity and marine ecosystems. Greenhouse gas emissions reached 1.59 million kg CO2eq, while human and marine ecosystem toxicity reached 18,200 kg and 418 kg 1.4-DB eq, respectively. There are also impacts on air quality and the ozone layer, although to a lesser extent. There are no significant impacts related to abiotic resource exploitation, acidification, or eutrophication. This analysis highlights the importance of more sustainable waste management in the future
Kajian Dampak Proses Pengolahan Minyak Bumi Di PT.X Terhadap Lingkungan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Mochammad Yordan Royan Futari
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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Industri pengolahan BBM merupakan salah satu industri dengan penyumbang emisi terbesar di Indonesia. Emisi yang dihasilkan berupa emisi gas rumah kaca CO2, CH4, N2O dan gas pencemar udara SOx, NOx, PM. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kajian Life Cycle Assessment menganalisis atau mengidentifikasi dampak lingkungan total dari suatu proses pengolahan disebuah industri. Pada penelitian kali ini menggunakan aplikasi Simapro 9.1.dengan metode yang digunakan CML. Dari hasil analisa yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil nilai dampak lingkungan pada PT X per 1 kL produk BBM yaitu Global Warming Potential (GWP) adalah sebesar 1717,22845 kg CO2 eq/kL, dimana kontriburoe dampak didominasi oleh karbon dioksida sebesar 94,36%, total dampak yang didapatkan dari dampak Ozon Depletion Potential (ODP) adalah sebesar 2,45E-06 kg CFC-11-eq, dimana kontribur seluruhnya adalah gas metana, serta total dampak yang didapatkan dari dampak Acidification Potential (AP) adalah sebesar 7.03E-02 kg SO2eq/kL, dimana kontriburoe dampak didominasi oleh sulfur oksida 99,47%.
Implementasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Dalam Sektor Pariwisata Di Indonesia (Studi Kasus: Pantai Kutang Desa Labuhan Kecamatan Brondong Kabupaten Lamongan) sayuti royali
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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This study aims to analyze the implementation of sustainable development in the tourism sector using the concept of sustainable tourism through a descriptive analysis approach using the case study method. The results showed nine programs that must be planned to support the development of sustainable tourism in Kutang Beach, including environmental conservation efforts, community empowerment, waste management, infrastructure improvement, tourism promotion, and the establishment of policies and regulations that support sustainable tourism. This research is expected to contribute to economic development and the welfare of local communities, as well as become a reference for local governments and academics in planning sustainable tourism in other tourist destinations.
Perencanaan Perbaikan Tempat Penyimpanan Sementara (TPS) Limbah B3 PT. X Berlokasi di Kawasan Industri SIER Euis Nurul Hidayah; Steven Pohan
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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PT. X is a company engaged in product packaging printing. The condition of the temporary storage area (TPS) for B3 waste at this company is not in accordance with applicable regulations. This study aims to redesign the hazardous waste TPS building to comply with government regulations, namely PP No. 22 of 2021 and also PermenLHK No. 6 of 2021, the research begins with collecting data on the types, characteristics, and also the amount of B3 waste generated from the production and maintenance processes at PT X. The data that has been obtained is then processed using various calculations to further design buildings in the Autocad software application . Based on data processing on the generated B3 waste, the total number of containers needed is 35 drums for B3 liquid waste and used rags and then 12 pallet boxes for B3 solid waste. The planned TPS building has dimensions of 15.55 m in length, 8 m in width and 3 m in height. The B3 waste TPS building is equipped with 6 air vents, 16 lamps, and also 1 fire extinguisher and the number of containers used is 35 drums for B3 liquid waste and used rags; then 12 pallet boxes for B3 solid waste
Noise Mapping Pada PT. Makanan Olahan di Kawasan Ngoro Industri Persada (NIP) Dengan Menggunakan Surfer Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti; Dinda Putri Sriweni
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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With the production activities carried out by PT. Processed food has the potential for noise originating from the use of machines in both indoor and outdoor areas. This study aims to analyze potential noise levels, map the distribution of noise levels, and make efforts to mitigate the effects of potential noise levels at company locations. Determination of noise measurement points is carried out in the activity area of the machine then measuring noise using a Sound Level Meter at each point and the data obtained refers to Permenaker Number 5 of 2018 and Minister of Environment Decree No. KEP-48/MENLH/LH/11/1996. Mapping the distribution of noise levels using surfur software and the results of this study there are 3 noise levels. First, it ranges from 60-70 dBa, which means that the noise level is still within the quality standards of Permenaker Number 5 of 2018 and Minister of Environment Decree No. KEP-48/MENLH/LH/11/1996. Second, around 70-80 dB the noise level tends to be moderate and requires risk control in the form of planting trees of at least 75 cm for outside areas. Third, it ranges from 80-90 dB, which means that the noise level in this area tends to be high and requires risk control in the form of using earplugs or earmuffs for workers in that area. With Noise Mapping it is very useful for companies to reduce the level of risk of work accidents and increase comfort in the scope of the company